狂言師 小笠原由祠 公式サイト

Welcome to the Official Site of Tadashi Ogasawara, Kansai representative of Yorozu Kyogen as born of the Nomura Manzou Household. (Nohgaku Master Instructor/Performer in the Izumi-ryu form.)

Picture (Ogasawara Tadashi)
english contents Who is Tadashi Ogasawra ? KYOGEN
The Kyogen Classroom Lectures and Workshops
column Encountering Kyogen On Kubihiki

Who is Tadashi Ogasawara?

Thank you for coming to my webpage. My name is Tadashi Ogasawara. I am a professional Kyogen performer in the Izumi-ryu style.

Kyogen is one of the many classic performing arts of Japan. It has a history and tradition dating back 600 years. Kyogen is the first Japanese performing art based on comedy.

In 2001 it was recogized as a Masterpiece of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity by the UN Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). It is an art that Japan can share with the world.

As a performer it is my goal to share the beauty and wonder of the classic art of Kyogen with the world. To achieve this goal I perform internationally as well as within Japan, and work to sustain this traditional art by training the next generation of Kygoen actors.

With this goal in mind, I am proud to say that my activities go beyond mere repetition of the past. I actively support the expansion of the Kyogen repertorire through scriptwriting new Kyogen plays and arrange collaborative performances involving other classical performing arts.

It is my sincere hope that Kyogen will be enjoyed by a large audience around the world. And so, I hope that you may have a personal interest in Kyogen yourself and welcome your inquiries, thoughts, and impressions.

By all means, send me a message!


■Name: Ogasawara Tadashi

Nohgaku Master in the Izumi-ryu style of Kyogen.
Member of The Japanese Association of Nohgaku Performers - An official living important intangible cultural artifact.

Apprentice to the first head of Man-Kyogen, Nomura Man, (Head of the Man-Kyogen Artists Association, Member of the Japan Art Association, Awarded the Shiju-Hosho, Purple Ribon for Excellence in the Arts, and Nomura Manzo (deceased) the 8th, (Performer, Playwright, and Winner of the Oribe Prize for Innovative Enterprise) and Nomura Manzo the 9th.

At present I represent Man-Kyogen in the Kansai area.

As well as this, I am also involved with the "Man-Kyogen Amatures Association" which is active in Tokyo, Osaka, Shiga, Toyota, Niigata, and Chiba.

Associate Professor Chiba University - Instructor of the Kodo - Head of the Sagi-ryu Research Group, Instructor at the Gekidan Tohai Production Company.

Cirriculum Vitae
1965 Born, August 27, 1965 in Tokyo.
1983 Apprenticied to Nomura Manzo the 8th, (Nomura Man'nosuke the 5th).
1986 May, Funefuna, in 3 person Noh.
1989 Entered into a Nohgaku training program at the National Noh Theater, and from this time forward became an apprentic of the founder of Yorozu Kyogen, Nomura Man.
1990 Performed the lead in Chitose at the Tessenkai.
1991 Participant in a 1 month A.R.T.A (Association de Recherche des Traditions de l'Acteur / Association for Research and Traditions in Acting) workshop directing in Kyogen and General acting techniques workshop.
1993 Completed a performance of Nasuyo Ichigo in the lead, graduated the National Noh Theather 2 year apprenticeship.
Acted as the Tarokaja in the play, Hagidaimyo at the Imperial Palace as part of the wedding ceremony of the Crown Prince and Princess Masako.
1994 Kyogen performance in France at Le Theatre du Soleil.
1996 Performed Sanbaso in the lead role and gained recognition for solo performances.
Received a one-month internship with A.R.T.A (Association de Recherche des Traditions de l'Acteur / Association for Research and Traditions in Acting) and directed Kyogen and general performances.
1997 One month comission in Lyon, France at National Center for Drama, the Comedie Saint Etienne to direct Kyogen and general performances.
Perofmed the play, Shinigami, for the Rango-Kyogen Association. This work received the Ministry of Culture's Festival of Arts Award for Outstanding Work in the area of Theater Arts.
1998 Performed in the closing ceremony for the Nagano Para Olympics.
Selected by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to perform at the 90th anniversary of celebration of Japanese immigration to Brazil.
2000 Performed the lead in Kanaoka at the Yorozu Kyogen Performers Meeting.
Performed in the New Kyogen play Shiroyuki Hime, which was awarded the Ministry of Culture's award for Children's Welfare in 2000.
2001 Established the Collaborative Furyu, comprised of Noh, Kyogen, Bunraku (Puppet Plays), Rakugo (storytelling), and Kodan (storytelling), and Wadaiko (Japanese Drumming).
Composed and perfomred the play Hachikaduki from old fairy tales originating in the Osaka.
2003 Collaborative Performance in Austria: Kyogen Mai (dancing), Wadaiko (the Japanese drum) and Hichiriki (Japanese flute). A one month tour in Austra at various locations throught the country.
Performed as the lead in Tsurigitsune in the Yorozu Kyogen style.
Performed in "The 400 year anniversary of the birth of Kabuki - Okuni Kabuki Recreated" presented at the 2003 Kamigata Renaisance Theater for the Kansai Muisikdrama Festival.
Performed the lead in Tsurigitsune at the regular Yorozu Kyogen Performance held in October.
2004 Arts Director for the NHK historical drama, Taika no Kaishin.
Composed and performed the lead in the Kyogen, Bunraku, Wadaiko collaboration work, Katanakobu with the group Furyu.
Adjunct Professor at Waseda University. Held actors workshops and performed in a staging of Shakespeare's, Merchant of Venice.
Performed in the Nagoya City Arts Festival, the work, Buaku - In a Shakespearian Way, by Kitamura Sou.
Created, and performed in the New Kyogen Play, Kyoto Ohara Ryonin Monogatari "Ryonin of Ohara".
2005 Acted as the artistic director for the NHK Taiga Drama, Yoshitsune.
Created and performed in the New Kyogen Play, Furusato no Shiki "Seasons of my Hometown" and the Aichi World Exposition.
The Collaboration work Ryonin-san "The Monk Ryonin" with Furyu.
Performed in the Waseda University Theater Department's presentation of Sannin-shimai "The Three Sisters".
Adjunct professor at Chiba University.
Created, and performed in "New Chiba Comedies" presented by the Foundation for Chiba City Culture.
2006 Artistic Director for NHK Friday Historical Drama Izumo no Okuni.
Created and Performed "The Tale of Ishikawa Gozaemon"at the Toyota City Noh Theater
At the Theater Arts Workshop at Waseda University,I performed in Samuel Beckett's "Waiting for Godot".
Created and Performed ENNENE "Okuni Kabuki - The Heian Version".
2007 Created and performed in the Furyu performance of "The Tale of Genji - The Furyu Version".
Guest Professor at Chiba University.
Recognized as important intangible cultural artifact holder.

Also, I perfomred in the works of Nomura Manzo the 8th as a disciple in all of his comedies.
Outside of performances I have acted as the Art Director for performances in Europe.
In the NHK Taiga Drama Series, I have been involved as the Arts Director for many historical dramas such as Taikakaishin, Taheiki, Homura tatsu, and Shotoku Taishi.
I also directed and taught the actors in these series.

Collaboration with foreign entertainment

狂言VSイタリア仮面劇 大阪公演 チラシ
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狂言VSイタリア仮面劇 チラシ
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Contact Information

Atelier OGA.

[Osaka Office] Chuo Ward, Osaka, Japan
[Tokyo Office] Bunkyo Ward, Tokyo, Japan
[Paris Office] Paris France

If you have any inquiries or comments, please contact Atelier Oga by email.

english contents Who is Tadashi Ogasawra ? KYOGEN
The Kyogen Classroom Lectures and Workshops
column Encountering Kyogen On Kubihiki
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